I am now back to writing. I did miss it and have returned with my individual opinions about the topics. I must remind you all that these are my own opinions, and I will try and explain why I hold them. For context to you guys I am currently at university as a mature student. I find myself here after a brief career in middle management. That was a difficult place to lead. I had pressure from above and below whilst wielding little legitimate authority, I now meet many people who feel similarly about there place in church and work. How could I lead effectively and as an upstanding Christian male. I spent many years previously unofficially being put into roles where I was looked up to. This happened at youth groups, sports groups, school, work and now church. So, we often find ourselves in positions of leadership. Now I could use the word authority but I don't want to. There are huge studies regarding how we can define leadership. Many secular scholars believe that to lead is to influence groups and individuals to their own goals whether officially or not. I will use this angle for the following post, we could explore the supposed traits and skills required but I believe the Lord give us the wisdom we need. I am sure that anyone who can influence another human being, even by their behaviours must regard themselves as leaders. So does that mean we all have leadership roles? I think so.
I will begin by saying that I believe God made man and women different (Gen 1). We are equal in His eyes but carry distinct roles and that Christ like leadership is very servant hearted. The old and new testament has kings and leaders of varying capacity, so to avoid the black hole of ''biblical leadership'' I am using Christ like instead. The concept of men leading churches and their wives is based around the willingness to give themselves up (totally) for the role and that those following willingly submit to the leaders. Choosing to follow them on the basis that the best interests are centred on God and His calling. We are one body, and we all have our roles to play. Paul taught this clearly in Corinthians and Romans. However, it is not only men who can lead in churches. Overall, I believe men should be the Elders or senior leaders, but women can play their part in leading specific teaching and often, the women can be wiser than us men. I often find myself comparing church to secular organisations. The structure can be on paper comparable. A director (Pastor), CFO (Treasurer), Management (Deacons), lower-level colleagues (congregation). For obvious reasons, we must consider the legal requirements to function in society as a charity. We are called to obey the rule of those in authority above us (Romans 13). However, as a church whether you have paid staff or not, we all have an obligation to run the church together (Romans 12). We must be wise and loving towards each other, aware that our faiths are central to our lives and so any changes will evoke emotion.
James 3 also defines Wisdom in a helpful way. Heavenly Wisdom from God and widsom from Man. Our selfish and personal ambitions that tempt us daily can alter the perspective that we see things from, Satan is excellent at getting us very confused). Our hearts dictate how we act and James calls us out to reflect on where we base our lives. Who we seek and what our motivations are? As leaders, motivation is a vital determinant of success as it narrates the decisions and courses of action we take. For example, the way we want to be seen will affect how we behave. If we are seeking to glorify God, then even at our own expense, we will do so. However, when we seek to glorify ourselves, then we take actions to promote such glorification. That seems obvious, but when we sit down and think about ourselves and what motivates us we can be humbled by the number of things we do to ‘’save face’’.
I am not wanting to write too much because you will get bored, but the ultimate leadership role model is Jesus. He, the King of the Universe came down to us, mere humans and sinners. He knew he would be rejected and eventually die an abysmal death on the cross. Despite this, He still came, he served his people and he died for us. He led with love, he did things that were not king like. Washing his friends' feet, meeting with children, teaching anyone. Being completely indiscriminate with who he loved. He felt the same feelings as us but lead with righteousness and integrity. He did what He said he would do. Knowing he was being watched all the time he made no mistakes. So, I challenge any man to think about the following, who am I living for? Who is watching me? And does my life reflect my devotion to Christs Church?