The first post is always going to be a bit...bitty. I have to introduce myself, outline the point of the blog and write in a way to lure you into coming back. With a brief outline of how this post is going to you fancy reading till the end? You may have happened across this post, or you may have been unsubtly invited to read it by myself. However you came across this piece...welcome!
I am a man, a Christian man. To be more specific I am a bible believing and Christ following male identifying human with two kids and one more on the way. I grew up in a missionary household and this was grounding in how I view the world. Secondly, I CHOSE to follow Christ and in no way did I feel imposed upon. I attend church, help at clubs and engage in community. I have a normally busy life. For work I am currently at university. Prior to this I worked as a manager within a well-known supermarket chain. I loved it but it was hard work. Kudos to all retail managers out there!
Typically like myself that is all you need to know about me for now, just enough to add an element of verifiability to what I am going to write about and enough for you to add the level of salt you desire to my thoughts. (If that was confusing, I am trying to stretch the ‘’pinch of salt’’ phrase for some low intensity seriousness).
What is the blog about? Why do I feel called to write it? Why would anyone read it? Is that the point? Have I asked too many questions?
The blog is targeting men who are a bit younger than me, but anyone can read it. I am going to try and focus on my ‘’Moods’’. I feel men don’t give themselves the right time to feel and sometimes don’t know what they are feeling. It can be lonely and even destructive for our mental health and how we serve and live in a community. Now, to add some unhelpful detour back to introducing myself, I have been dealing with some PTSD as a result of past traumas. None of them my fault and no blame can be put on anyone, but I had to deal with several situations that in hindsight are quite traumatic to go through. As a naturally stoic and un-inspiring human, I do not always feel the need to give some of these defining moments in my life the credit they deserve. The situations will be delved into in later posts, and I will be looking into how I felt and the impact it is having on me and my family as a result. The bible calls men to lead their families and that will look so different for each one. But it is essential that as a leader we look after ourselves and can deal with life and love as close as possible to how Jesus did. I am no theologian; I hold no mental health training or accreditation. My only qualification for these comments is that I am human, and I have feelings.... As Love Monster (from CBeebies) says, ‘’his feelings were so strong that all his words came out at once’’. How often does that happen in your life. You react to situations and don’t know where it all came from. Lots to think about, so much to explore and so I will end it here.
Stay safe and God bless.